Editor Basics


Ctrl + Shift + A


Ctrl + Shift + → Select a word

Ctrl + Shift + ← Select a word

Ctrl + W Extend the select

Ctrl + Shift + W Shrink the select

Ctrl + A Select whole file

Comment Line

Ctrl + / Comment out or uncomment line(s)

Delete Line

Ctrl + Y Delete line(s)

Ctrl + Z Restore the deleted line(s)


Ctrl + D Duplicate line(s)


Alt + Shift + ↓ pull down line(s)

Alt + Shift + ↑ pull up line(s)

Ctrl + Shift + ↓ pull down class member

Ctrl + Shift + ↑ pull up class member


Ctrl + - collapse a region(eg. method)

Ctrl + + expand a region

Ctrl + Shift + - collapse all regions

Ctrl + Shfit + + expand all regions

Multiple Selections

Alt + J Select the symbol at the caret or select the next occurrence of this symbol

Alt + Shift + J deselect the last occurrence

Ctrl + Alt + Shfit + J select all occurrence in the file

Code Completion

Basic Completion

Ctrl + SpaceKey activate basic completion(replace Enter with tab to overwrite the word rather than simply insert it)

Smart Type Completion

Ctrl + Shift + SpaceKey activate smart type completion

Statement Completion

Ctrl + Shift + Enter complete the statement



Shift + F6 rename

Extract Variable/Field

Alt + Shift + V introduce local variable or field(you can also use Alt + Enter and select the list item )

Refactoring Basics

Ctrl + Alt + C extract the selected expression into a constant

Ctrl + Alt + M extract the selected code block into a method

Ctrl + Alt + P extract the selected expression into a parameter (not work)

Code Assistance

Code Formatting

Alt + Shift + L correct code formatting

Parameter Info

Ctrl + P see the method signature

Quick Popups

Ctrl + Q see documentation for the symbol at the caret(Esc to close the popup)

Ctrl + Shift + I see the definition of the symbol at the caret

Editor Coding Assistance

F2 go to the next highlighted error in the file

Ctrl + 1 see the error description

Alt + Enter show suggestions and fix it

Ctrl + Alt + T surround with

Ctrl + Shift + 7 highlight all usages of the symbol at the caret

Jump to source

F4 jump to source(include jdk classes)


Ctrl + B jump to the declaration of a class or interface

Ctrl + Alt + B see implementations of a class/interface

File Structure

Ctrl + 0 see file structure

Next/Previous Occurrences

Ctrl + F find all word you selected

F3 find next occurrences

Shfit + F3 find previous occurrences